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Modernisation fund

News - January 2025

Approved investment plans

Year 2024

State aid scheme from the Modernisation Fund to support investments in the production of energy from renewable energy sources, the production of renewable hydrogen and the support of high-efficiency cogeneration as amended by Amendment No. 1 (scheme for the production of energy from renewable sources) as a priority investment. This scheme is effective from August 8, 2024. Text of the scheme

The estimated budget of the scheme for the production of energy from renewable sources for the period 2024 - 2026 is EUR 350 million. The estimated annual budget for the implementation of this scheme is EUR 117 million.

The State aid scheme from the Modernisation Fund to support investments in the modernisation of energy systems, including energy storage and improving energy efficiency, as amended by Amendment No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "hybrid district heating scheme"), effective from 7 June 2024. The reasons for the changes are as follows: revision of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in accordance with Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty, adopted on 23 June 2023, to accelerate the absorption of the aid allocated to this scheme (EUR 1 billion for the years 2021-2030) by expanding the number of potential applicants to include so-called "hybrid district heating companies", which are industrial plants in the EU ETS. The original focus of the hybrid district heating scheme on the renewal and reconstruction of distribution networks and on high-efficiency combined heat and power production remains unchanged. Text of the scheme

Years 2022, 2021

On 11 October 2022, the European Investment Bank confirmed the state aid scheme for decarbonisation of industry (SA.102388) as a priority investment. Funds from the MoF will be paid by the EIB to the Slovak Republic for this priority investment as follows:
- 350 million EUR in the first disbursement to the State aid scheme SA.102388 which is aimed at supporting decarbonisation and energy efficiency measures in industrial facilities that do not prolong the use of solid fossil fuels, which will lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the gradual phasing out of fossil fuels, better energy efficiency, as well as a just transition in carbon-dependent regions.

The intention of the scheme is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by supporting industrial decarbonisation projects that will lead to primary energy savings, a reduction in final energy consumption and introduce the use of advanced environmental technologies in industrial production, thus directly supporting the achievement of national, European as well as global climate goals according to the Paris Agreement. Text of the scheme.

The Environmental Fund published a call for the heating industry prepared under the State aid scheme from the Modernization Fund to support investments in the modernization of energy systems, including energy storage and energy efficiency improvement, on its website on July 27 2022. For more details see:

On 12 October 2021, the European Investment Bank confirmed the State aid scheme for the heating sector (with the budget of EUR 149.5 million for 2022 and 2023), which aims to improve energy efficiency, modernise energy systems, including heat distribution for centralised heating or cooling (CHP), energy storage and smart solutions for heat distribution, and increase the share of electricity and heat produced by high-efficiency combined heat and power (CHP) plants. The indicative amount of expenditure planned under this scheme for the period 2021-2030 is EUR 1 billion.

The Granting Authority is the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Implementing Authority is the Environmental Fund. The scheme text (PDF, 1 MB).

The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic have prepared an indicative list of investment proposals that the Slovak Republic intends to support from the Modernisation Fund resources in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1001 to the Modernisation Fund in the next two calendar years. This indicative list was sent to the Modernisation Fund Team (the European Investment Bank and the European Commission) in November 2023.

The indicative list is available (PDF, 240 kB)

Investment plans of the Slovak Republic

Other investment areas that the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic plans to support in the coming years from MoF funds through state aid schemes or as individual projects are: