Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic


State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

28.06.2023 On 10 June 2023, the 2nd round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the Norway Grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the Call for award of additional funding, 5 additional funding requests in the total amount of 508 139 EUR were received.

Bilateral activity of the SK-Climate Programme for Slovak municipalities in Norway so-called "UrbanClima Study Tour"

26.06.2023 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, as a Programme Operator of the “Climate change mitigation and adaptation“ programme, (hereinafter also as “Programme SK-Climate”), financed from two mechanisms – EEA financial mechanism and Norwegian financial mechanism in the program period 2014-2021, informs you as it follows: The Programme Operator in close cooperation with the Donor Programme Partners from the contributing states, (which are the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA)), organize a bilateral activity for the municipalities called "UrbanClima study tour" for the sustainable development of the bilateral partnership.

UPDATE - Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects within the SK-Climate Programme has been extended!

01.06.2023 The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator issued Guidance no. 1 to the Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects which extend Call relevancy for the Calls ACC01, ACC02, ACC03 and ACC04. Project Promoters implementing projects with significant infrastructure components supported under the above mentioned Calls may apply for additional funding.

The Bilateral activity “Norway Educlima Study Tour” is once again enjoying a huge interest

29.05.2023 The Programme Operator of the SK-Climate programme in cooperation with the donor programme partners organized the bilateral activity titled as "Norway Educlima Study Tour", on the 22-24 May 2023 in the Capital City of Norway OSLO. The aim of the activity was to support sustainable bilateral partnerships between Slovak primary and secondary schools and nominated schools from Norway in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The first term of the bilateral activity Norway EduClima Study Tour was successfully implemented!

18.05.2023 The Programme Operator of the SK-Climate programme in cooperation with the donor programme partners organized the bilateral activity titled as "Norway Educlima Study Tour", on 9-11 May 2023 in the Capital City of Norway OSLO. The aim of the activity was to support sustainable bilateral partnerships between Slovak primary and secondary schools and nominated schools from Norway in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

UPDATE - Bilateral activity of the SK-Climate Programme for primary and secondary schools in Norway (Norway EduClima Study Tour)

11.04.2023 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, as a Programme Operator of the “Climate change mitigation and adaptation“ programme, (hereinafter also as “Programme SK-Climate”), financed from two mechanisms – EEA financial mechanism and Norwegian financial mechanism in the program period 2014-2021, informs you as it follows: The Programme Operator in close cooperation with the Donor Programme Partners from the contributing states, (which are the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA)), organize an event/study trip called "Norway EduClima Study Tour" for the sustainable development of the bilateral partnership for the project promoters within the Call titled as ClimaEdu.

UPDATE - State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

31.03.2023 On 10 March 2023, the 1st round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the Norway Grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the Call for award of additional funding, 1 additional funding request in the total amount of 9 952 EUR was received. 1 additional funding request was withdrawn.

State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

23.03.2023 On 10 March 2023, the 1st round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the Norway Grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the Call for award of additional funding, 2 additional funding requests in the total amount of 217 633 EUR were received.

Bilateral activity of the SK-Climate Programme for primary and secondary schools in Norway (NORWAY STUDY TOUR)

15.03.2023 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, as a Programme Operator of the “Climate change mitigation and adaptation“ programme, (hereinafter also as “Programme SK-Climate”), financed from two mechanisms – EEA financial mechanism and Norwegian financial mechanism in the program period 2014-2021, informs you as it follows: The Programme Operator in close cooperation with the Donor Programme Partners from the contributing states, (which are the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA)), organize an event/study trip called "study tour" for the sustainable development of the bilateral partnership for the project promoters from the Call titled as ClimaEdu.


10.01.2023 The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator announces, that in the context of the current economic challenges marked with exceptional price increases the Call on awarding the additional funding to Projects with significant infrastructure components contracted under the Calls ACC02 and ACC03 is launched on 10. January 2023.

Seminar on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities in Warsaw

24.11.2022 The Programme Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change in Poland organized on the 16th-17th of November 2022 the Seminar on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities. The event was held in Warsaw (Poland), combining a "live" in-person event with a "virtual" online component, where the representative of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic acting as a Programme Operator of the SK-Climate Programme was also invited.

Field trip – Project visiting within the Cooperation Committee of the SK-Climate Programme

21.11.2022 On November 7-8, 2022, with the participation of Donor Programme Partners, representatives of the National Contact Point - the Ministry of Investments Regional Development and Informatization
of the Slovak Republic, a representative of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bratislava and representatives of the Programme Operator of the SK-Climate Programme, which is the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, the implemented projects implemented under the Calls: ACC01, ACC02 and ACC03 in Central Slovakia were visited.

Conclusion of Project Contracts within the Call ACC04

22.02.2022 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator concluded in February 2022 Project Contracts for 6 Projects approved within the Call No. 4, code ACC04 „Restoration of degraded wetland ecosystems“. Projects are financed with the support of Norway grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the total amount of 4.8 million euros.

Conclusion of Project Contracts within the Call ACC05

22.02.2022 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator concluded in February 2022 Project Contracts for 2 Projects approved within the Call No. 3, code ACC05 „Awareness raising on climate change adaptation and mitigation (ClimaInfo)“. Projects are financed with the support of Norway grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the total grant amount of 446 222 EUR.


02.02.2022 Thanks to the support of Norwegian grants and the state budget of the Slovak Republic from the SK-Climate Programme, in the total amount of EUR 4 800 000,- We can look forward to an interesting projects, which will restore 21 various types of wetlands in different parts of Slovakia.
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