The selection procedure of Calls ClimaInfo and ClimaLocal is moving to the final stage!
The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the Operator of the Programme SK-Climate launched a “Call for expert evaluators of project proposals” with the aim to establish a pool of experts for the purpose of quality assessment of project proposals.
The selection procedure of Calls ClimaInfo and ClimaLocal is moving to the final stage!
The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the Operator of the Programme SK-Climate launched a “Call for expert evaluators of project proposals” with the aim to establish a pool of experts for the purpose of quality assessment of project proposals.
Calls for project proposals (ACC01 and ACC02) within the Programme SK-Climate for the municipalities with population over 15,000 have been launched!
The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic as the Operator of the Programme SK-Climate launches calls for project proposals code ACC01 and code ACC02. The calls are aimed for the Slovak municipalities with population over 15,000. The aim of these calls is to develop action plans for mitigation and adaption to climate change in urban areas and to implement concrete measures in accordance with the action plan.
Matchmaking event for primary and secondary schools
Another matchmaking event of the Programme SK-Climate was held on 20th November 2019. The second matchmaking event was organized in Stiavnicke Bane in Slovakia and was aimed on primary and secondary schools from Slovakia and Norway.
Matchmaking event for municipalities
The matchmaking event for Slovak municipalities with population over 15.000 inhabitants and municipalities from the donor states (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) was held on 29th October 2019 in Oslo. The event was organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the Operator of the Programme SK-Climate, in close cooperation with the donor programme partners, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA).
OPEN REGISTRATION for the matchmaking event for primary and secondary schools!
Registration for the second matchmaking event for establishment and development of bilateral partnerships for implementation of projects within the Programme SK-Climate has been open. The target groups of the second matchmaking event are the primary and secondary schools from Slovakia and Norway.
#EEAchdropcounts for a greener Europe!
Many drops together make a sea of change! The EEA and Norway Grants launched over 1000 projects in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics to protect the environment and combat climate change. Discover how they are working together to make Europe greener.
OPEN REGISTRATION for the matchmaking event for municipalities!
Registration for the matchmaking event for establishment and development of bilateral partnerships for implementation of projects within the Programme SK-Climate has been open. The target groups of the event are representatives of municipalities with population over 15,000 inhabitants from Slovakia and for potential partners from the donor countries.
The Programme Agreement for the SK-Climate Programme was signed!
On 23 September 2019, the Programme Agreement for the "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme" was signed between the Financial Mechanism Committee and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the donor states and the Government Office of the Slovak Republic as the National Focal Point representing the Slovak Republic.